Google Summer of Code 2010 wrap-up report

October 13, 2010 posted by S.P.Zeidler

All six students this year completed their project requirements successfully and on time.

One project (Kristaps Dzonsons' mandoc -Tps, which also added pdf output capabilities) is simply done, and has been imported end of July. The software is maintained as part of the mdocml package. We would like to thank Kristaps for his excellent work and on-going efforts to keep our man pages readable and pretty.

All other projects have entered the "but, wait! that would also be useful" stage of further features being added and extra polish being applied:

  • Efstathios Kamperis' work on tests for the math library and expansion of its functions expanded to fixing issues found, and adding support for more architectures for architecture-dependent functions (fenv.h). Parts of the work have already been included, more is to come: see the project wrap-up report and the project page for further information.
  • Zoltan Nagy's project to add http support to libsa resulted in successful boots via http. To-do are additional error handling, expansion to more architectures and merging into the NetBSD tree. Zoltan has joined the NetBSD project and will get to do the latter himself.
  • Lourival Vieira worked on Lunatik, giving the kernel a Lua interface. As stated in the project result, polishing and extension ensues.
  • Mateusz Kocielski's SASL client library is supposed to be polished up and also receive extra authentication methods before inclusion. Its first use case in the tree is likely going to be postfix integration.
  • last not least, Jordan Gordeev's efforts to provide remote kernel debugging via ethernet resulted in working code, even if yet limited to one type of ethernet interface (if_rtk), and with more desirable features to be added (like on-link encryption). See patches and documentation.

We thank all our students this year for efforts beyond what they contracted for, and hope they had not only a productive, but also a pleasant time. [0 comments]


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