NetBSD 6.1.3, NetBSD 6.0.4, NetBSD 5.2.2, and NetBSD 5.1.4 patch releases

January 27, 2014 posted by Manuel Bouyer

The NetBSD Project is pleased to announce:

  • NetBSD 6.1.3, the third security/bugfix update of the NetBSD 6.1 release branch,
  • NetBSD 6.0.4, the fourth security/bugfix update of the NetBSD 6.0 release branch,
  • NetBSD 5.2.2, the second security/bugfix update of the NetBSD 5.2 release branch,
  • and NetBSD 5.1.4, the fourth security/bugfix update of the NetBSD 5.1 release branch

These releases represent a selected subset of fixes deemed important for security or stability reasons. Updating to one of these versions is recommended for users of all prior releases.

For more details, please see the NetBSD 6.1.3 release notes, the NetBSD 6.0.4 release notes, the NetBSD 5.2.2 release notes, or the NetBSD 5.1.4 release notes.

Complete source and binaries for NetBSD 6.1.3, NetBSD 6.0.4, NetBSD 5.2.2 and NetBSD 5.1.4 are available for download at many sites around the world. A list of download sites providing FTP, AnonCVS, SUP, and other services may be found at



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