Solutions Linux 2010 - 16-18th March, Paris Porte de Versailles
For the 11th year, was held the "Solutions Linux and Opensource" event in Paris Porte de Versailles, from March 16th to 18th.
NetBSD has been running a booth for the 2nd year in the "Associations' village", where visitors could find most of the active Free and Open Source Software associations: April, {Ubuntu,Mandriva,Fedora}-fr, as well as FreeBSD-fr and BSDFrance, among many others.
4 NetBSD developers were present on the event:
- Emile "imil" Heitor
- Antoine "tonio" Reilles
- Jean-Yves "jym" Migeon
- Guillaume "gls" Lasmayous
Even though this event is primarily business-oriented, the vast majority of questions were "end-users" oriented questions, the most common one being: how does NetBSD compare to Linux/Ubuntu ? However this year, we had a number of more technical questions, mainly from people willing to run embedded NetBSD.
We distributed something like 150 Jibbed live CDs, 250 NetBSD stickers, and 25 "Powered by NetBSD" case badges.
Next French events where NetBSD will be present:- Rencontre Bretonnes du Logiciel Libre, on May, 15-16 in Rennes.
- Journées Méditérranéennes du Logiciel Libre on November 26-27 in Nice/Sophia-Antipolis.