In Memoriam: Ian Murdock, Founder of Debian

January 03, 2016 posted by William J. Coldwell

NetBSD would like to express our condolences on the passing of Ian Murdock.

He was one of the pillars of open-source software development and distribution, contributing much to the community as a whole. As is the nature of open-source software, ideas and processes are shared, intertwined, and constantly evolving as they are passed back and forth between projects.

We respect, and are grateful for what Ian did during his career.

The NetBSD Foundation and developers
[1 comment]



This is a beautiful act of respect and solidarity. Thank you for this. I've always been non-sectarian in the Linux/BSD wars (and use both) and when it came to Linux flavors always loved Debian. apt-get changed the way I thought of software management. His contributions on OpenSolaris cannot be forgotten either. We'll all miss you.

Posted by Christopher on January 08, 2016 at 04:41 PM UTC #

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